Sunday, 25 March 2012

Bits of Plato

Plato-Self Identity
Plato believes that when our physical body dies our memories and personality go with them. However, our knowledge if forms don’t.

Plato – Disembodied consciousness
He believes that we are only aware of the physical world when we’re alive.

Plato (personality/memories) - Plato was a substance dualist who believed that once you’re your memories and personality are also lost; yet knowledge of the forms is reborn.

Describe what Plato believes about the mind in 67 words.
Plato believes the mind is ontologically distinct from the body, the body has completely separate qualities from the mind and so how can they be deemed as one thing? For instance the mind is eternal, immortal and imitable and so can exist after death. What happens when we die is our knowledge of the forms is reincarnated endlessly into other humans to be rediscovered forever and ever

Describe what Plato believes about the body in 92 words.
Plato believes the body is ontologically distinct from the mind and has no connection with it, however the body’s life processes can ‘clutter’ up the mind in a sense because our bodily functions take up our mind instead of our true knowledge of the forms which is what we are supposed to focus on. He believes our bodies exist in the physical world or ‘The realm of Shadows and Illusions’, basically saying that what our eyes perceive and our body’s feel are just illusions of the true knowledge of what’s real.

Describe what Plato believes about self identity in 20 words.
Plato feels our sense of our personal identity dies and decays with our body and our personal memories die too.

Describe what Plato believes about our disembodied consciousness in 9 words.
Our consciousness dies, our knowledge of the forms lives.

Plato on self identity – Plato believes that when our physical body dies, our memories and personality goes with it. However, knowledge of forms remain.
Plato: When the body dies, memories are lost and the personality dies. Our knowledge of the forms survives to be reincarnated.

Half of mind is full of passions and memories of physical events that disappear when our mortal physical body dies

All our physical memories die - as well as consciousness

Plato – Self Identity
Plato believes that when our physical body dies, our memories and personality goes with it. Knowledge of forms don’t.


Personality dies with the body, only the knowledge of the forms lives on. The things that contain the mind must therefore live on as well. Plato also believes that the realm of ideas is the real world and that the physical world is just a shadow of the perfect world. Although Plato believes that the mind and body are separate he believes that personalities belong in the body, so die with it. The mind is reincarnated and is eternal whereas the body is mortal and ephemeral.

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